Italian Supreme Court issues game-changing decision concerning plant variety right license agreements
With a decision issued on 9 April 2024, the Italian Supreme Court (hereinafter “the Court”) declared invalid an agreement between the well known American table grape breeder, Sun World, and Ms. Miglionico, an Italian grape grower. Ms. Miglionico had previously been...
Mario Pozzi to discuss Unitary Patent Court’s early results at Akron University’s IP Symposium
On 25 March 2024 our partner Mario Pozzi is to contribute to the 26th Annual Symposium on Intellectual Property Law and Policy organised by the University of Akron School of Law. Mario will take part in the session “Early Results from the UPC and Considerations for...
Attending the 2024 Pharma and Biotech Patent Litigation EU Summit
Our partner Mario Pozzi, Attorney-at-law and Unified Patent Court Representative, and SIB partner Paolo Di Giovine, European Patent Attorney and European Patent Litigator, are attending the 2024 Pharma and Biotech Patent Litigation EU Summit taking place in Amsterdam,...
Italian Supreme Court rules on novelty of a plant variety previously registered abroad
Filing to protect a plant variety? Bear in mind that the novelty requirement is not the same as for patents: the Italian Supreme Court has recently ruled that the mere existence of an earlier application abroad filed by the same applicant for the same plant variety...
Inventions in universities, what’s new?
On 15 November 2023 our senior partner Giovanni Antonio Grippiotti and patent attorney Sara Manna of Società Italiana Brevetti met PhD students and researchers at the Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma for a training event on new rules concerning regarding...
Mario Pozzi to speak about Unified Patent Court at Federal Circuit Bar Association Global Series 2023
Our partner Mario Pozzi has been invited to speak during the Federal Circuit Bar Association's Global Series 2023 Fall session taking place in Milan at the Hotel Principe di Savoia, 1-3 November 2023. On Friday 3 November, Mario will speak during the “Hot topics in...
Dutch firm Arnold & Siedsma strengthens the European Patent Litigators Network
The Unified Patent Court (UPC) promotes international cooperation among participating EU member states. In order to properly position themselves for handling cases before the UPC, IP law firms from different countries have joined together to form the European Patent...
SIB LEX hosts first live meeting of European Patent Litigators Network (EPLN)
SIB LEX and SIB Società Italiana Brevetti have the pleasure of hosting jointly the first live meeting of the European Patent Litigators Network (EPLN) in our Milan offices on 18-19 July 2023. Patent litigation in Europe has undergone crucial changes with the...
SIB LEX lecture on Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property at LUISS Business School
On 12 July 2023 our attorneys at law Federico Caruso and Mario Pozzi are to hold a lecture on Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property for the Intensive Programme on AI and Business Opportunities organised by LUISS Business School.
SIB LEX Società tra Avvocati a.r.l. – sede legale: Piazza di Pietra, 38-39 00186 Roma – Reg. Imprese Roma C.F./IVA/VAT IT14893531005 – REA 1553728. Capitale versato Eur 10.500,00 i.v. – Pol. Assic. N./Insurance 95NA1337 Zurich Eur 5.000.000,00